Homemade pizza

Homemade Pizza with Crust recipe
Store bought pizzas are ok, but there's nothing like taking the time to make homemade crust and creating a fresh pizza.
  1. Crust
  2. 3 cups Bread flour
  3. 2 Tbsp Veg oil
  4. 1 tsp SALT
  5. 1 tsp SUGAR
  6. 1 packet ACTIVE DRY YEAST
  7. 1 cup water, warm 90F
  8. 1-1/2 cups PIZZA SAUCE
  9. 2 cups Mozzarella cheese ( our your choice)
  10. 1 choice Pre-cooked meat topping
  11. 1/4 tsp DRY OREGANO
  12. 2 tsp (optional Jalapeno juice
  1. Combine water, yeast salt and sugar; mix well set aside for about 10 minutes.
  2. Hand Method: Place flour in bowl; add yeast mixture. Mix well; mix until the dough is smooth and not sticky ( if sticky add more flour, if to dry add a little water). Drop on a clean, dry counter top, knead the dough 60 - 80 times
  3. Mixer Method: Place flour in bowl; add yeast mixture. Using a dough hook, mix until the dough is smooth and not sticky ( if sticky add more flour, if to dry add a little water). Knead the dough about 5 minutes or until elastic texture.
  4. Form the dough into a ball. Place the dough in a bowl with a thin coasting of oil on the inside; loosely cover with clear wrap or a dish towel. Place on the center of the oven top or someplace that is warm. Let the dough double in size. Push down the doubled dough, remake it into a ball and let it rest 10 minutes in a warm area.
  5. Roll the dough out until it is large enough for the pizza pan. Poke holes in the dough.
  6. Top with sauce cheese and meats; sprinkle with dry oregano and juice if desired.
  7. Bake at 475 F for 8-10 minutes or until browned on bottom and cheese melted good on top
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