Buttermilk pie  slice

Buttermilk Pie
This was a popular pie at our restaurant!
  1. Butter, melted 1/2 cup
  2. Salt Pinch
  3. A. P. Flour 1/3 cup
  4. Sugar 2-1/4 Cup
  5. Eggs 4 each
  6. Buttermilk 3/4 cup
  7. Vanilla 2 tsp
  8. Pie crust, unbaked 1 each
  1. Add above ingredients together, mix well.
  2. Pour into pie crust.
  3. Bake 15 minutes at 350F cover loosely with foil, bake 45 minutes at 325F.
  4. The pie should be firm in the center, but not dry. Cook a little longer if needed.
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