Blonde Brownies
Serves 24
This recipe is great, they won't last long!
  1. Recipe to be mixed by hand, no electric mixer
  2. Butter melted 4 oz
  3. Eggs, fresh 2 each
  4. Baking powder 1 tsp.
  5. Salt 1 tsp.
  6. Vanilla 1 tsp.
  7. Flour 1-1/2 cups
  8. Sugar 1 cup
  9. Brown sugar 1/2 cup
  10. Chopped nuts 1/2 cup
  1. Combine all ingredient, place in a greased 9-1/2 X 13 inch pan.
  2. Bake at 350F for 30 minutes or until done.
  3. Cool, cut 4 X 6
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